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From the Blog

What's Keeping You Up At Night?

What is keeping you up at night?

There are not enough hours in the day, right?

Are you experiencing stress and pressure that is too much for one person (if your ego can handle admitting that fact)?

This pressure breeds various behaviors and decisions that are at best, an imbalance in your life between your career and home or at worst, detrimental to your health and livelihood.

I have a passion for seeing leaders thrive. This passion comes from a foundational belief that an organization rises and falls on leadership. I have been leading for over 25 years and in that time I have coached leaders through the same mistakes I’ve made and pulled them out of the same traps I’ve fallen into.

If you want to see growth and stop the cycle of chaos, check out these three areas that may enlighten you and equip you to take action:

  • Health
    • Your organization needs to become better and healthier, but first, you must determine where the sickness lies.
    • Three Cs: Define health as clarity, communication, and consistency.
    • Balance: Your personal life should improve as your business improves.
  • Domino Effect
    • Self-awareness: Your leadership sets the tone. Are you asleep at the wheel or self-aware enough to know how your leadership and decisions impact your teams?
    • First domino: You are responsible for casting vision and tipping the first domino on decisions and actions. Make it count and get feedback along the way.
    • The hill. We have seen that “stuff” rolls downhill when a leader makes a decision. Remember that. Be courageous in making decisions and count twice the cost of those decisions.
  • Growth
    • Optimism is contagious. Be relentless at seeing growth opportunities for your people and your organization.
    • Zero in. Be ruthless at eliminating distractions that are taking you and your teams away from your mission.
    • Toxic Growth. Unhealthy things grow too. How are you inspecting the health of your organization?  Does it reflect the Core Values of your mission? If you have Core Values, are they based on behaviors you expect?

You need a coach. You need a partner.

A good coach will challenge you. A good coach is willing to make you uncomfortable to bring about healthy change. A good coach is a partner. A good coach will distill leadership principles and business books to discern what you need with a personalized approach. A good coach is not there forever.  They will work themselves out of their contract over time because they want you to apply the coaching and make it a habit. As your leadership skills strengthen, you will continue to model health which will be a ripple effect that cannot be measured. You will have a lasting impact on your teams and their future with you and others.

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